Frequently Asked Question

How can I send e-mail over SSL secure connection using RB900 modem?
Ostatnio odświeżony 3 lata temu

First of all please check the AT commands reference guide.
Below you can find an list of command with e-mail sending example:
AT#SMTPCFG=1,587,1 // enable SSL and set port 587 and enable start command sessione EHLO (1)
AT#SSLSECDATA=1,1,1,1300 // upload the server certificate
AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","apn" // set APN
AT#SGACT=1,1 // context activation
AT#SSLSECCFG=1,0,1 // enable server authentication

AT#SMTPCL="","Test subject",0 // send e-mail

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